8009D1A1 00?? 00=conker 01=less detailed conker model 02=lesser detailed conker model 03=horribly detailed conker model 04=awfully detailed conker model 05=wasp 06=rareware logo 07=mrs. bee 08=bullfish 09=safe door 0A=catfish with glasses 0C=franky 0D=haystack 0E=corn bag(Beta) 0F=red cog 10=rock guy 11=skinny tall weasel 12=the gun thing on top of tediz tower 13=beehive 14=fat weasel 15=wooden box 16=uga buga 17=mr. big cog 18=the steel box whose has problem 19=greggs list of names 1A=dead catfish 1B=grenade 1C=bullfish rope 1D=crossbow 1E=the steel box whose is afraid of a mouse 1F=bridge in bats tower chapter 20=cheese 21=bull 22=marvin 23=beehive machine gun 24=whirl 25=pooball 26=remnants of marvin 27=marvins belly overgrowing 28=single player tank(freezes if you try to move) 29=green imp 2B=boiler 2C=bucket 2D=paintbrush 2E=weird rock with eyes 2F=raptor/temple crossbow 30=munks rune 31=munk 32=rock dino head tounge 33=lavaboulder 34=purple imp with tnt on back 35=hand of the death 36=baby dino 37=franky hanging in rope 38=rock guy whose guards door outside rock solid 39=tediz tower 3A=fire imp(barely controlable, gets moved at the middle of level) 3B=weasel thief 3C=faji 3D=fire imp that got peed 3E=worm 3F=pleghm thing 40=faji 2 41=anvil 42=purple imp with blowtorch 44=dung beetle 45=frankys nemesis 46=blue cog 47=metal spider 49=war boat 4A=submarine 4B=haybot 4C=green cog 4E=war cannons 4F=armadillo rocket 50=bat 51=bottom part of haybot 52=cog 53=raptor 54=buga the knut 55=weird thing(freezes immediately) 56=nintendo 64 logo 57=moneybag 58=single player squirrel soldier 59=buga the knuts privacy hiding cloth 5A=single player tediz 5B=rodent 5C=tediz parachute(freezes) 5D=war plane that crashed 5E=alien 5F=single player tediz sergeant 60=steel box hanging on crane 61=steel box 63=haybots arm 64=upper part of uga 65=bottom part of uga 66=ammo box 67=war plane 69=jugga 6A=bone 6B=eel 6C=sunflower 6D=king bee 6E=crossbow 6F=nintendo 64 logo being cutted 70=single player gregg 71=Badly textured moneybag(Beta) 72=berri 73=cannon 74=single player tediz 75=multiplayer tediz 76=panther king 77=singleplayer tank 78=montrous caterpillar thing 79=cow 7B=tedi boss 7C="brain" of the tedi boss 7D=top part of broken franky 7E=tediz weapon in single player 7F=mr. barrel 80=multiplayer squirrel soldier 81=the thing that the tedi boss hides under 82=yellow robot suit 83=missile 84=selfdestruct button 85=antidrunk pills thing 86=don weaso 87=single player squirrel sergeant 88=multiplayer bald uga 89=bomb 8A=tediz machine gun(single player, multi war, and colors) 8B=birdy 8C=key 8D=dr. tediz 8E=gargoyle 8F=sauropod? 90=multiplayer uga with glasses 91=that rock fella with hair 92=the great mighty poo 93=sweet corn 94=wire 95=the great mighty poo's hand 96=neo conker 97=neo berri 98=weasel guard 99=weasel professor 9A=bat conker 9B=bat 9C=multiplayer villager 9D=multiplayer female villager 9E=weird eye in fish like armor 9F=multiplayer zombie A0=multiplayer female zombie A2=bat conkula A3=the thing bat conkula hangs upside down on A4=count conkula A5=red baby raptor A6=redead worm A7=conker the table leg A8=squirrels flag A9=tediz flag AA=Pokémon Tail(Beta) AB=raptor egg AC=boiler ball AD=wasp AE=fat wasp AF=skinny wasp B0=multiplayer squirrel sergeant B1=multiplayer tediz sergeant B2=multiplayer gregg B3=marvin at the ending B4=skeleton gregg B5=bartender B6=remnants of the cow B7=don weaso hanging out at the weasels band B8=skinny weasel playing clarinet at the weasels band B9=short weasel doing drums at the weasels band BA=raptor/temple bomb 800CC8B9 00?? ??=digits that alters the way the model is loaded 00=default(NOT recommended!) 01=conker's default model image 02=the digit that is altered(freezes if not yet set) note:exit the area you're in to make his image change 800CC749 00?? 810CC74A ???? ?? ????=the type of object the image is BB 2A50=conker BB 2A50=weasel thief CD 9628=pooball CE 4970=bucket CE 5270=paintbrush CF 03F8=fire imp CF F550=faji D0 2228=dung beetle D2 6E58=hay bot D3 E1A8=raptor D4 A208=buga the knut DA 1EB0=jugga DB B230=single player gregg DE 96E0=berri E9 2F28=don weaso EB D4B8=birdy EF 8FE0=gargoyle EE C9F8=the great mighty poo F1 66C8=sweet corn F1 ACC0=neo berri F2 FCD8=weasel prof F6 AAA0=bartender F8 93B8=don weaso hanging out at the weasels band F8 A870=skinny weasel playing clarinet at the weasels band F8 BE70=short weasel doing drums at the weasels band